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Legendary Member
It is trying very hard to snow here. I can see snowflakes falling. Not much, but enough.

I was watching the BBC earlier and there seem to have been quite a sprinkling of snow down the east coast of the country. Scarborough was one place that surprisingly had a decent covering. There was also a live item on the BBC news about BT providing fibre broadband in north Wales and as they were doing the interview its was trying to sleet a bit there.


Legendary Member
Just back from walking round to the supermarket...........it's not getting any warmer! The only good thing about this time of year is the satsumas are nice. Lol.


Leg End Member
Good morning. Its bloomin cold. Today :hello: :cold:
The cold stuff is on it's way. On the bright side, it has to warm to snow!
Jings, crivvens, help ma Boab.
It's St. Andrew's Day:okay:

Good morning:hello:
it's around freezing point outside.
No:bicycle:, today then:sad:

Enjoy your day^_^


Latha Naomh Anndra sona dhuibh!

Use no names.
Roads have been whited out, redacted.
Hone your oldest sense.
Learn the wind, memorise where it goes bearing your odours.
The truck-stops are roofless churches.

No way I would cycle in that! The wind chill nearly strips the skin off your face. It's bitter. Still, it's dry and everything is nice and firm to walk on so much better than rain. I'll take the cold any day.
It always looks worse, inside looking out.
Good Morning :hello:


Bobby Mhor

Legendary Member
Behind You
Happy St Andrews day @Bobby Mhor :okay:
Chilly enough in the middle part of Englandshire and pretty frosty out there so no stupidity with riding bikes lately as I have found in previous years the ground is a bit hard when you hit it :cry:
Just nice having yesterday and today off work even if it has only been sat at home in the warm.
Big changes the week after next for us, change of owners and we will have the same owners as your rail operator. My buddy that works up in Inverness says they are not a good bunch and we are getting the rumblings already, so it could be a bit of a rocky road :boxing::angry:
Talk about bumping them in 2020 and handing control back the way it used to be,
if they did this they reckon rail fares could be 6.5 percent cheaper,
a figure that was thrown out I think to 'ease' the way.
Abellio (?) knocked fantastic over 50s offers to the curb as well.
I thought I had to head east today and with my railcard, they wanted £38 a SINGLE if I travelled from local, cheaper if I travelled bus pass but it takes an age.
If I got two separate tickets from the Port to Glasgow then east, just over £26 the cost:ohmy:

Correct, apart from walking round for a hair cut this afternoon. Not sure it's the weather to be getting it cut short but I can always wear a bunnet. Lol
Sorted, it'll match yer stilts:laugh:

Hoots mon:okay:
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