Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
Try a pink banana?


Legendary Member
Not till next Sunday. Two days off, Wooo Hooo and no Blardy pipes tonight :dance:

It was an odd day yesterday, going from struggling to keep the ancient lathes running to make the pipes constantly making running repairs, to this;

Funnily enough none of us were needed:okay: so that's 14 hours in the kitty!
Hard work indeed. Did manage a big chunk of the current read though.
Oh and the boss took us all over to Morrisons for a full English in the morning, Artels directors could learn something here!!

It's strange how professional their website looks


Leg End Member
Not till next Sunday. Two days off, Wooo Hooo and no Blardy pipes tonight :dance:

It was an odd day yesterday, going from struggling to keep the ancient lathes running to make the pipes constantly making running repairs, to this;

Funnily enough none of us were needed:okay: so that's 14 hours in the kitty!
Hard work indeed. Did manage a big chunk of the current read though.
Oh and the boss took us all over to Morrisons for a full English in the morning, Artels directors could learn something here!!
You changed the wording of that last part?


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
'Have your patent leather handbags and shoes lost their luster? Make them shine again by rubbing them with a dash of milk on a soft cloth. Dry and then buff the patent leather for a mirror-like sheen. '

Still no.

'Some children have already gone back to school and with this time of year comes inevitable ink stains. Soak the ink stain in an equal mixture of milk and lemon juice to watch it fade away. Scrub the area with extra milk if the ink stain is stubborn.'

Good idea. But no.
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