Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
Yes, should be o.k, undecided 'till I click on if to go for the 26 or 52.

Need to ease back into it after a hideous amount of 'not cycling' & I have some pain issues with my back, leg & shoulder at the moment.


I also thought B@llS to it, I always end up working that day, getting stuck on a bus running round near an hour late & being moaned at by Joe Public because of it, then ending up with a)a pitiful meal break or
b) no meal break at all.

So join 'em.
You're doing the 52 then?


Leg End Member
Lost me a bit in translation there mate.

This a kind of whistle blower type thing ?

Whistle blower would be easy.
Trying to access my medical records, part of which have been withheld(not seen). I need to be able to prove I've not seen them to the ICO(third party) before they can do anything. Only they don't know what I've been allowed to see.
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