Tea? (Part 4)

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N Ireland
I worked in Nicosia a few years ago and it was 25 still in November.

Earlier that year I'd been in Haifa, Israel and it was 40 everyday, luckily I was inside a dairy for most of the day. Even the locals said it was too much for them.
Yeah, we've been here in November and it's unreal. It's often in the low 20's at the end of December! Our idea is to be here from the end of October 'til the start of April to enjoy the equivalent of a cracking UK summer and then go home to suffer the real thing!!
The next 16 months should be interesting from the weather point of view.
Of course there's more to Cyprus than the weather, although many Brits seem to give the people and culture a bit of a by-ball by mainly sticking together and largely remaining 'outsiders'. Whilst some of our interactions are with Brits we like to interact with Cypriots and other foreign nationals who live/work on the island and we hope to move farther along that line as the years go by. Having said that, we do keep our own company much of the time.


N Ireland
Καλημέρα :sun::hello::hello::sun:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Afternoon Bobby
Yo, afters Mr Mr Choo.gif :hello:
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