Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Wish someone would turn this wind off. I am fed up of it. Should have taken the road bike this morning but took the hybrid since it was a bit wet. Was blooming hard work, especially the last 17 miles in a headwind.

Saw some roadkill in front of me at one point and thought it was a cat from the shape of it but was actually a beaver. Never seen one of them on the roads before.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Wish someone would turn this wind off. I am fed up of it. Should have taken the road bike this morning but took the hybrid since it was a bit wet. Was blooming hard work, especially the last 17 miles in a headwind.

Saw some roadkill in front of me at one point and thought it was a cat from the shape of it but was actually a beaver. Never seen one of them on the roads before.
Well done:okay:
I'm debating a quick out..(less than your return mileage:blush:)
but the slowly rising ramps on the way home into the wind aren't my cup of tea so another :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Well done:okay:
I'm debating a quick out..(less than your return mileage:blush:)
but the slowly rising ramps on the way home into the wind aren't my cup of tea so another :cuppa:
Luckily my ramps were mostly going the other way but still struggled up the steepest bit heading into Perth.
You can see the huge difference in speed depending on whether the wind was with or against me.


N Ireland
One for you...
found it when looking at Lily-Cam post...no Stephec, Mr 172td or the rest of you males not a cam in THAT way..

Thanks for that. Believe it or not I have a somewhat similar tale(forgive the pun) here. When we first stayed in this area 2 years ago we had just arrived in the apartment and were sitting having a cuppa while we waited for the owner to come and collect his rent. Suddenly Mrs B yelled and pointed to the door. In the doorway was the most wretched looking cat I had ever seen. Like this kitten, the cat had a disfigured face and was filthy with his eyes having a look of sheer terror and drools hanging from his mouth. I went over to him and saw a large gaping wound on his back and his fur was missing in a few areas. Close examination of his face showed he was drooling because he had a hare-lip. Anyway we fed him and he stayed for the 5 weeks we were there. We named him Danny, after Desperate Dan from the comics because of his looks. By the end of the 5 weeks he looked much better, his wound had healed and he was grooming himself. Last year he turned up on our 2nd day and stayed with us for 7 weeks - again starting off very dirty but ending up looking well. We felt that he wouldn't survive last winter as Cyprus had it's worst winter for 20-30 years but what do you know - he is now a full time resident in the cat-house where I'm helping out and he looks well, if a little odd because of the hare-lip. He has had dental surgery so doesn't drool so much but I doubt if anyone but me and the sanctuary have ever given the little fella any love in his life because of his looks. We're so pleased that he has fallen on all 4 feet here.


N Ireland
G'day all. Sitting in the cat-house with a purring kitten beside me. I'm about to go and have lunch but just thought I'd say hello.
It's flippin hot today - the sweat was dripping as I went around the feeding cages. Got another scratch from the she-devil in the hospital section. However, she only drew a little blood today - I think she's starting to like me!! Just 4.5 days left before my tour of duty in the cat-house ends. I'll enjoy getting a lie in after the late nights. :laugh:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
G'day all. Sitting in the cat-house with a purring kitten beside me. I'm about to go and have lunch but just thought I'd say hello.
It's flippin hot today - the sweat was dripping as I went around the feeding cages. Got another scratch from the she-devil in the hospital section. However, she only drew a little blood today - I think she's starting to like me!! Just 4.5 days left before my tour of duty in the cat-house ends. I'll enjoy getting a lie in after the late nights. :laugh:

Hi @Blue. Glad your having a good time


Legendary Member
Pffft.........literally :laugh: Don't know what made me look at the tyres on the hybrid I was riding this morning and the front is flat as a pancake! Wonder when it actually punctured. Was hard enough cycling home into a headwind but I maybe had a softening tyre too. Don't know if I can be bothered changing it just now.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Pffft.........literally :laugh: Don't know what made me look at the tyres on the hybrid I was riding this morning and the front is flat as a pancake! Wonder when it actually punctured. Was hard enough cycling home into a headwind but I maybe had a softening tyre too. Don't know if I can be bothered changing it just now.
I remember finding my back tyre flat the morning after, I was heading to work and my son offered to change the inner tube.
I got home and he had just literally put the back wheel on but it was wet so I never bothered going out for a quick run.
I got settled and all I heard was a loud bang..
yep, the back tyre was flat again.

Afternoon peeps..
got soaked to the skin on the same route as yesterday's walk..under jacket was okay but the rest.
I was a big drip as I arrived home..
Mrs Mhor just shook her head.

:cuppa: of soup..
why aren't there any decent cup'a'soups?
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