I have an awesome week coming up at the doubleyou thing. No grooms whatsoever

a bit of walking and Saturday off. But tonight I am going to view 2 potential exchange flats.
Exchanges have been quite thin on the ground since May and then suddenly I have 4 interested people all at once. We are off to see a nice 2 bed ground floor flat which isn't in the greatest area on the planet but it does have a bloody great garden and very secure doors and windows. The current tenants a pro photographer and needs the security. The second flat is a ground floor 1 bedder but close to the city centre and seriously good for work, guitar and potentially swapping out of somewhere down the line.
The other two are a 1st floor 1 bed flat on the edge of Marriotts way about a mile or so out of the centre of the city and the final one is a 1 bed ground floor job at the city end of the Marriotts way. It's all going to depend on whether anyone likes our wee flat.
More tea in celebration, I reckon.
If it all goes pear shaped there is a big exchange event at the library in a week.