Tea? (Part 3)

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Legendary Member
There's a time and a place, and a gentleman such as I always knows what's appropriate. :biggrin:

What a creep :rofl::rofl:

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Maybe discrection is the better part of valor sometimes.:stop:
Not having read the last few pages, because I was in dreamland, I have no idea what you're all blathering on about :laugh:. Dare I ask what discrection is? It sounds painful. :eek:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Not having read the last few pages, because I was in dreamland, I have no idea what you're all blathering on about :laugh:. Dare I ask what discrection is? It sounds painful. :eek:

Discretion is knowing when to keep quiet, not to say anything. Sometimes its better not to say anything. To, keep someones secrets secret.

edit re @victor google spells is as discretion without a C
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