Classic, I'm going to help you out here. Pay attention.......
Make a dense home-made fruit cake, with the fruit soaked for 24 hours beforehand, and the cake made 2 months before it's eaten. Dark sugar. You need a recipe from about 1960 or earlier. Soak it little-and-often with a decent brandy. A few days before serving make adouble triple batch of marzipan from ground almonds, egg whites and caster sugar. Spread some apricot jam on the cake, and put half inch thick slabs of marzipan over the whole thing. Then, mix up some home-made Royal icing, using egg whites and glycerine, and spread liberally. Allow to dry and set. Don't decorate. Don't put it on a cake stand. Don't give any to anyone else. Simple.
The sheer puniness of chocolate cakes and lemon drizzles, Victoria sponges and coffee and walnut mean they aren't fit to appear in the same thread. They're the things you get out for guests, as you hide the fruit cake away.
Now, I want you to take a long hard look at yourself, and sort yourself out. I don't want to have to ask WD to put your cakes where they belong.
Anything there you're struggling with?

Make a dense home-made fruit cake, with the fruit soaked for 24 hours beforehand, and the cake made 2 months before it's eaten. Dark sugar. You need a recipe from about 1960 or earlier. Soak it little-and-often with a decent brandy. A few days before serving make a
The sheer puniness of chocolate cakes and lemon drizzles, Victoria sponges and coffee and walnut mean they aren't fit to appear in the same thread. They're the things you get out for guests, as you hide the fruit cake away.
Now, I want you to take a long hard look at yourself, and sort yourself out. I don't want to have to ask WD to put your cakes where they belong.
Anything there you're struggling with?