Leg End Member
In the head, No!Did you ever shoot anyone in the head at a Harry Ramsden's in Yorkshire?
See 22 Feb 2014
In the head, No!Did you ever shoot anyone in the head at a Harry Ramsden's in Yorkshire?
There was only one Harry Ramsdens in Yorkshire. Until new owners got holdo'name.Did you ever shoot anyone in the head at a Harry Ramsden's in Yorkshire?
This side? Not the other side?This side o'Otley, where else!
t'other side is flatter!This side? Not the other side?
Old enough to see my job going up in smoke in 87You know faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar to much about this subject. How good a shot are you? How old were you in the early 90's?
SithiRight people. Im off to bed. Sleep well as usual. Rest well classic. Nos da everyone![]()
07:00, Kinda late intit!Goodnight Boss. Remember, 7.00 tomorrow morning, on duty.
t'other side is flatter!
You've not cycled up it yet! Its not that bad.I contemplated cycling up the Chevin once..![]()