Tea? (Part 3)

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Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Yes, and yes. :smile: One of my best cycling weekends ever. The photos look good, too, I've just been looking at them.
Actually, here's a preview! :smile: This is near the top of Mt Hotham, one of Australia's tallest mountains, peaking at about 1840m. The proper ride report will have to wait, though.


I am your Father
Actually, here's a preview! :smile: This is near the top of Mt Hotham, one of Australia's tallest mountains, peaking at about 1840m. The proper ride report will have to wait, though.
Stunning view victor...

not in the slightest bit of a rage of jealousy from me :cursing:

good effort though & will look for the ride report when done :thumbsup:


I am your Father
I ran what @Maverick Goose posted through Google Translate, and hardly a word changed. :wacko:
I'm assuming it's Gaelic? I think Google Translate just chokes on Gaelic.
Irish, Scottish or possibly Cornish Gaelic.

I bought a Gaelic dictionary many moons ago to self teach & found it too difficult so gave up.

Might have another go when i have more free time in the future.


I am your Father
Good mornin' to ya @the_mikey :hello:
& @Fubar :hello:
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