Tea? (Part 3)

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
How many coffees have you had today Mrs D

No where near enough. Its cold, dark, foggy and raining. I need more coffee.


Legendary Member
We sometimes do one & get up at about 4.30, there are cars on by then & professional buyers too, head torches on & another clasped in hand or teeth, like rabid dogs the lot of 'em.

Some are trying to climb in your car before you've unpacked & set up...

usually i will growl at them & they run away.

I know what you mean Mr Centurion. We have done them and as you pull on to your pitch they are following the car, literally trying to stick their hands in through the window. At one of them we got out the car, and I said to my Mrs right off to get a coffee and we did.
When we came back we were able to set up in peace :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Morning all... hope you are all well. I'm not, yucky cold, sneezing and coughing and that horrible thing when even your gums ache! :thumbsdown:

I hadn't seen this. Without an option to opt out of it then that'll be me done here, I really hate when I'm not the one controlling where I want to post. :thumbsdown:

So with that, happy days everyone, I may keep an eye on you and for any changes to the above but otherwise gone..:hello:

Shame about that, hope to see you back on here soon :hello:


Legendary Member
Good morrow ye fine wench :hello:

"I will have a flagon of ale & some broth when you're ready" :thumbsup:

<I've gone all Henry VIII>


Thats a good idea, when she brings your ale and food over, you can give her bum a firm slap or have a feel :laugh:


Legendary Member
Good morning Ian :hello: & Meta lon :hello:

It would be a shame if you had to duck out Ian but the couldn't blame you either.

I have a deep mistrust of both, especially as our 'management' seem to use it as a weapon to impose discipline procedures or worse still, try to sack people via watching staff comments etc.

I am glad in my job there is no need to have a works email.
I am also glad that I don't participate with twatter of facebook, because there have been numerous cases of people falling foul of their employers because of silly comments, but then if you are going to slag your employer off you should be aware it could come back on you. Having said that even on somewhere like here I would not publicly slag my employer because you never know who is looking in and may put 2 and 2 together.
That is beside bullying and other problems it causes.
It saddens me when I hear of someone that does something dramatic like taking their lives because they were being bullied on facebook. Why not just delete it and think f**k it I don't need it.
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