I have been up for hours, dog walking our lot, washing up and the like. I am sitting in waiting for a parcel that should be here between 9 and 1. My new phone

first new phone for 4 years

. I have tea and patience (some) and as soon as the phone arrives, I'm off out on my bike and will endevour to take a camera with me this time.
Yesterday we bought a new caravan. An old
Freedom caravan (c. 1992) so not as new and funky as those on the website. Its in great nick and has been all relined etc. We'll tidy it up and sort out new covers for the seat cushions etc over the winter. It arrives on Sunday, as we haven't got our towbar fitted to this car yet. That's being done on Tuesday. When we changed cars it didn't cross our mind to do take the towbar off and put it on the new car

This means that we can get away at weekends and go off and view homes to move into, whether exchange or private. We can take the dogs too. We used to have a friend (and now ex employee) look after them but he's become unreliable in the gate shutting, door shutting stakes and let our greyhound out on to a busy city road. Never again
Anyway, kettle's on again. Anyone for a top up?