Tea? (Part 3)

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I am your Father
:tired: I just woke up, and will be heading out for breakfast shortly. Just before waking up, I had a cycling-related dream. I was cycling, then hit a bump ahead of me, landed on my right side with bicycle still attached. I then instead of picking myself up just did a Jackie Chan and flipped myself and the bike upright and continued pedaling! :laugh: I have no idea where my mind dredged that little scenario up from.
NINJA Bruce !!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Afternoon everyone. Just woke up. I err fell asleep. And no @stephec or anyone else. Its not because of my age. Cheeky beggars.


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Afternoon everyone. Just woke up. I err fell asleep. And no @stephec or anyone else. Its not because of my age. Cheeky beggars.

Poor old love, she's imagining her own insults now...There, there WD, have another blanket over your knees...
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