Dodgy Aerial
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- On the Roof
La la la la la la..can't hear la la...
Oh, it'll live Thank you for asking.How is your wrist saluki. Is it still hurting after your off today?
If I shake my hips...Its a party fancy a dance Bob?
Oh, it'll live Thank you for asking.
Every time I bash it I hyperventilate and threaten to pass out. The stupid thing is shot to hell and will never be right so I just swear at it and carry on regardless. The consultant specialist lady wants to operate on the wrist and fuse it. The pain will be gone but so will any movement of the wrist so I'll need to pick a bike, give up guitar and never flip a pancake again. I'll stick to having ouchy moments I think.
My main worry about it is that I only have about 40% of proper bone density in my radius so if I bash it too hard it'll break again but I'll burn that bridge when I come to it. No point worrying about something that might not happen. I strap it, fairly comprehensively, with neoprene to protect it and stop any over-bending that it might want to do. It doesn't bend much and it if overbends I have a sleepless night, despite painkillers.
The wrist is the main reason that I really need to stop grooming dogs and do something sensible instead. I don't want it to get really bad and have it stop me riding. Priorities you know
Is it a large bar though!I have a galaxy bar in the fridge
What else is there to do?Good for you to keep going.
What else is there to do?
I have a pal who had her right wrist operated on for Capel Tunnel Syndrome and the wrist is fine now yet she's not worked for 15 years. I've offered her 'permitted work' walking dogs for me but she's not interested. The DSS have now insisted that she looks for work, even if part time, and she's doing her best to fluff every interview that she gets. She generally 'fails' at the application form stage. I'm not sure what she writes on them but she applies for a lot of jobs because she has too but has been failing to get a job for 6 months now. She makes me quite cross really.
I used to live in Stoke on Trent and over 50% of my customers were on benefits with not a lot wrong with them. Irritating in the extreme, especially as they had a lot more than I had/have and I work my tail off. What goes around, comes around I reckon. No point getting het up. Bless and release, bless and release.There isn't anything you can do about, people like that. Yes it's annoying especially when you work, but there's nothing you can do im afraid. I used to see it all the time in brum
I used to live in Stoke on Trent and over 50% of my customers were on benefits with not a lot wrong with them. Irritating in the extreme, especially as they had a lot more than I had/have and I work my tail off. What goes around, comes around I reckon. No point getting het up. Bless and release, bless and release.
Bob's gone quiet.
Bob's gone quiet.
He's dancing round his handbag all , on his own