welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Well, that's the first race done. Five miles in 11:56, that's an average speed of 25.1 or 25.2 mph. That gives me a Club Gold standard and at a rough glance it looks like I came fifth out of 40 entrants.
Chuffed to bits, to say the least. All the hard work paid off. I thought I wasn't going to break 25 mph because the wind was like a brick wall on the last part of the course, but I managed to hang on to my speed by digging deep and nearly biting through my own tongue . Not bad for an old codger who will be applying for his bus pass in a few weeks! All the people who beat me are between 15-30 years younger than me, so me and Mrs B will have a wee dram of port and some chocolate to celebrate.
Next race is next week and I hope I get better conditions for that one as it is a 10 miler.
Congratulations blue. Well done