welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Calm down, calm down
He looks good.
Calm down, calm down
I'm back!!
You certain its you that came back?
Back in a bit, just done 45 minutes on the rollers, sweating buckets, off for a shower
sorry, I wandered off again!
One of my colleagues is taking 2 weeks off work in May when his 5th child is born. His eldest is working the second born is at college the third soon to finish school and the fourth is almost 2 years old. His partner has never worked, they were both very young when they had their first, he loves his kids and supports them all the way but refuses to have the snip, instead he wants his partner to be sterilized because he doesn't want any one near his 'bits'.
Gone quiet again!
Your a sweaty betty. Ewwwwwww
Well Hello there Mr C
Evening all