Tea? (Part 2)

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Its big and yummy and sweet and crunchy and…hv i mentioned yummy?

Hehehe sinfully goooood :dance:

Is it yummmmy by any chance ?


Middle Earth
Afternoon all.
Bit late, out shopping then taking some photos for the website....





somewhere in america

member of the unknown
Every day, where I grew up. Roosters would start the warm-up about 4a.m.. Neighbors across the street had chickens, we had rabbits, until ordinances outlawed it in towns in the US in the 80's. Rabbits somewhat quieter.

Not all towns. I cleaned a house once in the heart of Columbus and they had a rather large flock. Nice, prime large piece of land too.

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
3-7 more inches of snow, arriving today, over the 5 we already have.
The very reason I moved south....!
my mom says it's been a really bad winter this year. Lots of schools closed, so she had a condo full of kids with cabin fever.

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
Had fish head curry for dinner…. plus stir fried brocoli with french beans & diced tofu. And rice of course, its a staple.

Maybe not your cup of tea, but its usual fare hereabouts :hungry::biggrin:

Now sipping a mug of hot cappucino while watching a korean movie on apple tv, pretty good one i might add riddled with suspense :gun:

Fish head? No way, curry absolutely, tofu stir fry ..... make that all the time. And a bowl of plain steamed rice... all the time. Other Americans think I'm crazy because I don't like anything on my rice.
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