Thats only 10 days away!!
That's not "only" 10 days, that's 10 days without sugar soap, sandpaper, dust sheets, paint pots, moving of furniture, cleaning of rollers and brushes, continuous climbing of ladders, kneeling down and staring at skirting boards until the eyes cross, scrubbing paint off hands, cursing when that careless drip of paint finds the only square centimetre of floor that the dust sheet didn't cover, cursing again when that roller that's loaded with coloured paint flies like a lump of iron to a magnet straight into that newly painted gleaming white ceiling, cursing when you can't reach that last little bit and have to move/climb the ladder one one time, cursing yet again when you stand back to admire the finished job and you hear that voice from behind saying "you missed a bit", then finally standing with your hands going numb in cold running water wondering just how much paint a brush/roller can flipping well hold as you ponder the fact that it will all start again tomorrow. Ah yes, 10 days without all that - bliss!!
Apart from all that, I won't be in any fit state to start again in only 10 days. NYD will see me with a reminder of what this season is all about - a hangover and nausea caused by 10 days of festivities - that start today

my friend.