3 cups of tea later and I have found spare car keys

Her downstairs has been shouting about (literally shouting, I am assuming into the telephone) about her "effing noisy effing b*****d effing neighbours up-effing-stairs" - she really is very articulate - so I decided to do some emergency hoovering. In fact I hoovered the entire living room, but its only tiny ( 14' x 10') and didn't take nearly long enough so I left it running and walked Millie-dog around the block. When I got back in and turned off hoover she had got off the phone and was clattering pots and pans about.
I cannot think how I was being noisy when she was on the phone as all 3 hounds were asleep on the sofa or in their basket. I was feet up with a cup of tea on the interweb. There was no music or TV on, in fact it was as silent as can be except for the sound of keyboard typing and mouse clicks. Surely her precious little ear-holes are not that sensitive.
I feel so much better now. Lassie next door could hear dodah downstairs kicking off about the 'row' I was making. She popped over for a cuppa and (it was her who found keys after I had hoovered) to see if I was OK as she thought that her downstairs was yelling in my living room, as she was that loud!. Lassie downstairs, bless her, recorded it on her phone and will email it to me. Just in case.