Been an interesting day: 4.30am wake up to Busby dog throwing up and peeing on the carpet at top of stairs. He's having a recurrence of Idiopathic Vestibular Syndrome, which is an inner ear problem giving an affect like being massively drunk and feeling like the world is constantly moving around him. I stay with him for the next few hours.
11.45am - down to the vet, who confirms what I already knew and gives a dose of an anti-sickness drug and an anti-biotic (in case it is an infection), plus a course of tablets which are supposed to help the bloodflow, which may help with this and a heart murmur that he has had for a while.
Afternoon - regular checks on dog and take him outside regularly.
6pm - My cousin and her niece/nephew (AKA my first cousins once removed) drop by. One of them drops a full glass while at the same time Busby staggers into a corner and pee's on the living room carpet.
8pm - am on the wine

and someone else is looking after Busby for a bit.