Right now I am semi-caught up on tea?
We did shopping today and I also seem to have purchased an ancient massive trunk for a tenner, that I managed to get down from £40 in the antique emporium that has strange stuff (like stuffed otters) in that is near the 99p shop that has the princess tissues & drinks in.
I have done the massive food shop round robin, only Makro left to go which can wait...
I have managed to purchase the small peoples presents for 2 of the 3 grandparents.
I got a few cycling bits that were reduced in Aldi.
Two toes on my right foot hurt as per, cos I have had shoes on all day (they did get impaled in a large nail when I was small)
My shoulders and back are killing me I am never doing a big shop when Mr P is away I don't get to collapse for ten minutes while he unloads the groaning car and makes me a cuppa

and then I get to send him to the other freezer with the overflow from the freezer that lives int he cupboard of doom