Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
As an honorary member of the school pick up club , why do all the Dads stand around in a group analysing there phones?????

No idea we do have quite a few Dads but they tend to just stand about staring to the sky with their arms folded, I said hello to one once and he said "I am not single" I replied "Well done you"

One of them is in eye wateringly tight lycra which is a bit :eek: first thing in the morning especially as his shape is rotund he is a little odd.

I know a couple of them as I grew up with them they tend to chat or ask for a "go" on Bertha to feel how much weight it is to pull and stuff.

When Mr P goes up the school he talks to loads of people, he got lots of looks after he took the sewing classes for a term last year when all the children were telling their parents :giggle:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Kettle is on - here's a :cuppa:

How is Bob today? I hope you haven't been tiring him out too much :giggle:

It was fine until she tried to chase him up a tree...


West Somerset

I didn't know it could be so tiring being a "new person" to a young cat.:tired:

Is the kettle on?


Hi Hopless:hello:

Where are you going on your hols? We flew into Thailand, so I have no idea about land crossings


Old git on old bikes
As an off tea-topic
Tea has a TOPIC!!!!!:eek: Since when?????:laugh:
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