Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
Oven is switched ready to cook the curries, won't put this on the mundane thread because it isn't, we are both hungry :hungry:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We're back from a trip into the city, to the Emerge Pop-up recycled and upcycled gift shop. Lots of cool stuff, and a possible outlet for us...

It rained a bit, but then it stopped so we got a takeaway tea, and went and sat in Piccadilly Gardens and ate two of the half dozen scones we bought at the Farmers' Market this morning.

:cuppa: and :tired: now...


Midlands UK
We're back from a trip into the city, to the Emerge Pop-up recycled and upcycled gift shop. Lots of cool stuff, and a possible outlet for us...

It rained a bit, but then it stopped so we got a takeaway tea, and went and sat in Piccadilly Gardens and ate two of the half dozen scones we bought at the Farmers' Market this morning.

:cuppa: and :tired: now...

You were quite down the other day, are you feeling any better :hugs:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
You were quite down the other day, are you feeling any better :hugs:

Yes thank you. Just mooching about with NT is very theraputic. And I think I might have been at the mercy of hormones as well last week. When my mood plummets like that, it's usually hormonal. The funny thing is, I know it, but even knowing it, the mood is hard to ignore.

We were out this morning discussing a little guerilla gardening project in the area, and I was pleased that a few of my ideas won favour. It's a project that will take time to get going, but should be worth it...

Not only that, but NT pointed out a tree round the corner and said "Are those crab apples?"

Yes! Yes, they are!


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Just had a proper afternoon tea with lots of little sandwiches, clotted cream scone, macaroons, little meringues, a fruity compote/custardy thing, cake slice and pots of leaf tea with a little silver strainer... I'm fair clemmed as Mrs A_T's says when her Cumbrian roots need doing.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Just had a proper afternoon tea with lots of little sandwiches, clotted cream scone, macaroons, little meringues, a fruity compote/custardy thing, cake slice and pots of leaf tea with a little silver strainer... I'm fair clemmed as Mrs A_T's says when her Cumbrian roots need doing.



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
There's a sandwich shop on a corner on our Friday round, and they always seem to be freshly frying bacon when we get there, and the smell is so enticing. Yesterday, my colleague said "Oh hell, let's have a bacon sandwich!" so he went and bought one and we shared it. :hungry: It's a dangerous precedent to set....


West Somerset
I was listening to an old Desert Island Discs podcast yesterday and the subject, a Jewish author, was talking about the family's relaxed attitude to religion when he was growing up. He gave several examples, including the fact that they all ate bacon sandwiches - just not at home. My belly and taste buds promptly woke up and started demanding a bacon butty of their own.


The diet (re)starts tomorrow :cry:
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