Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I took the winter road bike as rain was expected, could have used the nice bike in the end :rolleyes:

Have lost my mojo though, struggling a bit lately :sad:

You need CHOCOLATE :biggrin:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I think it's more to do with my lack of discipline over summer :mrpig: :blush:

Well to be honest I cant understand all these "I got a bike and lost half my body weight in 5 mins" posts.

I have been riding again since 2006 and in that time overall I have lost bugger all weight from cycling.

Last month I did 660 miles and lost nothing at all, no my weight didn't go up but it sure didn't come down either.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Well to be honest I cant understand all these "I got a bike and lost half my body weight in 5 mins" posts.

I have been riding again since 2006 and in that time overall I have lost bugger all weight from cycling.

Last month I did 660 miles and lost nothing at all, no my weight didn't go up but it sure didn't come down either.

No since getting my road bike in May and doing far more mileage than on my other bikes i have lost diddly squat so i'm trying this fasting lark. Cycling seems to want to make me eat more :angry:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Yes, and it's valued at £5m or so. We seem to have a better class of Chav in this part of the world.

Maybe valued at 5mil now but take the chavvy stuff out and it will shoot up in value even more.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
No since getting my road bike in May and doing far more mileage than on my other bikes i have lost diddly squat so i'm trying this fasting lark. Cycling seems to want to make me eat more :angry:

I think that if you are lots overweight then you can burn it off by cycling quite quickly but I weigh about 12 stone 12 and I am 5ft 7 so I only need to loose about 1-2 stone max and that is very hard to shift. So I am just concentrating on getting a lot fitter and I am now finding that even though I weigh the same things are tightening up quite nicely here and there :shy: and also my legs are getting a lot stronger so that could also have something to do with it.
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