Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Im going to work now, please don't do anything exciting till i come home, it takes me ages to catch up with you otherwise.^_^


West Somerset
Today I hit a very large sheep as I was cycling along. Ouch
Ewe plonker.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I have managed to temporarily tire out my stepdog 'Jeff'! He is sleeping ...

Typical, he just heard a noise and is now barking by the door!

I was going to say that a 6 mile walk to Todmorden this morning and a 2 mile walk round the park this afternoon have quietened him down a bit. What he doesn't know is that he will be doing another 3 miles or so this evening up the steep hill to Heptonstall and back, during which I will transfer custody of him to my ex!

He gets regular walks at home in the Midlands, but probably not ones this long. The trouble is that he just won't settle in the unfamiliar surroundings up here so I might as well entertain him outdoors while the sun is shining.

It is probably doing me some good, but it is tiring me more than the dog! :tired:
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