Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
I'm assuming the lager is Mrs R's :whistle:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I said "Things" not "a mess" :thumbsup:


NT and I are back in Manchester after a rather hot drive back. We stopped for a lolly at the services, and I had a Magnum, and NT had a lemonade lolly. Also, I found two discarded McD's* cups still bearing their free coffee sticker, so I've filled the card I had, and started another. All from stickers from discarded cups. That's a real free coffee!

*Which is mysterious, because that services only had a Burger King and KFC.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
In other news, I've found a new Tweeterer to follow:


They are the TeenyTinyOwls. :wub:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Today, there were no Lambrini bottles in the recycling box at 42 Hope St. This is odd, as there are normally about 10-12 of them.

I think I'd struggle to pour 12 big bottles of Lambrini a week down the sink, let alone drink it.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Today, there were no Lambrini bottles in the recycling box at 42 Hope St. This is odd, as there are normally about 10-12 of them.

I think I'd struggle to pour 12 big bottles of Lambrini a week down the sink, let alone drink it.
The holidays have started. They're probably drinking Lambrini in a Med resort having asked the neighbours to put the box out.;)


West Somerset
What can I do for you? :hugs:
I've given up on my efforts to get the desk and chair at the right height and decided to convert the desk to a standing one. More or less got everything at the correct height thanks to a plastic box, some wooden blocks and a pile of books but it's not exactly aesthetically pleasing ... and probably liable to collapse at any point. Been looking online and I've seen that Ikea do a TV bench for £9 that would be almost perfect as a shelf for the laptop, lamp etc but am stumped as to what I can do for the keyboard and tablet/mouse. :scratch:

Night Train

Maker of Things
I've given up on my efforts to get the desk and chair at the right height and decided to convert the desk to a standing one. More or less got everything at the correct height thanks to a plastic box, some wooden blocks and a pile of books but it's not exactly aesthetically pleasing ... and probably liable to collapse at any point. Been looking online and I've seen that Ikea do a TV bench for £9 that would be almost perfect as a shelf for the laptop, lamp etc but am stumped as to what I can do for the keyboard and tablet/mouse. :scratch:
Can you pm me photos of what you have and what you would like to have?
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