TDY 2015 sportive

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Thanks to a newly posted route on Pedal North, I'm off out in the North Pennines tommorrow for 77 miles and 6000ft climb as a "dress rehearsal". Wish me luck! :wacko::bicycle:
Good luck!

I did a similar ride yesterday. I had intended to try to see how quickly I could do it, but my companions were not in a hurry and it was windy so I decided to just slow down and enjoy the ride instead.

We took long breaks and I switched off my GPS for some (but not all) of them so the average speed recorded didn't correspond to exactly what we did but it registered 15 kph including more breaks than I intend to take on this sportive. I reckon I will just about manage the 19 kph if the weather is ok and I do not suffer any problems with my bike.


It will be a bit different on the Sportive though, the climbs tommorrow are longer and more gently, though at one point I will essentially be climbing continuously for 12 miles. The payback is the 14 mile descent in the second half :biggrin:

Steepest bit is probably Alston high street, which is also cobbled just in case it wasn't challenging enough :laugh:


Well, I made it! :biggrin:

But the results are a bit worrying. I am going to be cutting it very fine with the minimum speed I reckon. Strava says my average was 13.5mph, but that's calculated only on moving time. Overall average which includes stops and a couple of simulated food stations was about 12mph. After 55 miles I was struggling and it took me an age to get up the last big climbs. :sad:

The big descents were awesome though, I particularly liked the one from Alston Fell to Alston :biggrin:


Über Member
Hope everyones prep is going well. Has anybody received their race pack yet? Also is anyone else thinking about turning up earlier than their race time to blag an earlier start if they get a late one?


Yes, got my race pack this morning. Some sticky numbers, a helmet timing chip and a big number to pin on my back. They want us to show up an hour before our start time anyway, so if I can start earlier, I'll take it! I hope they'll have some shelter there if it's raining, I don't fancy standing in the rain getting chilled for an hour.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I am hovering about the 19 kph average speed over the local hills (starting and finishing at the same place, so no net change in altitude). The wind is a factor, just as the hills are - downhill gains don't quite make up for uphill losses, and tailwind gains don't compensate for headwind losses. Things get especially bad when the headwinds are on climbs, and the tailwinds are on descents.

It will probably be a case of busting a gut for 70 km and then trying to limp back without being swept up ...


I suspect so. I'll just have to wing it, carry plenty of food (and remember to eat it!), stop as little as possible and hope for the best.


Leg End Member
News on the rail front

Northern will be providing over 25,000 additional spaces on-board trains for the event. We have been working in partnership with Network Rail, British Transport Police, North Yorkshire Moors Railway, First TransPennine Express and Virgin Trains East Coast to ensure those who choose to take the train have a variety of travel options open to them.

Please be aware that there will be extremely limited capacity for bikes on local train services and we do not advise that you travel by train with your bike to watch the main race or to take part in the sportive. For travel and spectator guidance, as well as timings of the race itself, see the event website at


Über Member
Im travelling by train from essex,via ely then onto sheffield where im being picked up by a mate. Managed to reserve bike spots on the probs!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Im travelling by train from essex,via ely then onto sheffield where im being picked up by a mate. Managed to reserve bike spots on the probs!
Be warned ... I reserved a place on a train once (which happened to be coming up through Sheffield) but when I boarded the train I found the bike compartment already full of bikes, some unbooked. On that occasion, the 'train manager' was not interested in enforcing the booking system and I had to sit between carriages with my bike. (Amusingly, at Leeds I discovered that one of the bikes belonged to CycleChat member Calum who had done several of my forum rides.) I was probably unlucky, but there might be chancers trying it on.

On other trains, there has been a locked carriage where the bikes are stored and only booked bikes will get in there. If your train has that type, make sure you remind the manager that you need to get your bike out at Sheffield and make your way to that end of the train well before your arrival because if the train and platform are congested you do not want to be trying to fight your way through crowds to get to your bike!


Über Member
Thanks mate. Im avoiding the intercity type trains as the only time i have used their locked carriage they rushed me when i was putting the bike in the carriage and when i went to collect it the bike was on its side..not good


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Thanks mate. Im avoiding the intercity type trains as the only time i have used their locked carriage they rushed me when i was putting the bike in the carriage and when i went to collect it the bike was on its side..not good
I learned that lesson the hard way so I always carry a bungee cord to secure my bike when taking it by train now!


Senior Member
South Yorkshire
Out for my final big ride on Sunday, try to get my buddy to keep his pace up for the whole of it otherwise I'll have to drop him on the day, hopefully not, I'm feeling OK about the actual day, other than my usual nervousness about anything out of the norm

My biggest worry is a clipless fail or any type of falling off
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Last "big" ride for me today, I was even able to wear shorts and short sleeves :biggrin:

44 miles and 2500ft, but tried to do it faster than I've done it before. Total average of 15mph, which looks more promising. Fitness is improving.

Gonna have a short easy one tommorrow and maybe another couple of easy rides early next week so I can have 2 rest days before the event. Fingers crossed!
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