Tannus Tyres....not bad at all!

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Oh, just on the negative side of things Tannus. Try changing a spoke, or back to regular tyres... Definitely worth experimenting with a cheap wheelset.


You're not exactly flying the flag for the business with such arrogant posts...

I appreciate everyone has different experiences, but tyre drag, in my opinion, is a fairly basic concept within cycling for a life long cyclist, maybe I am wrong, apologies for any offence made ..

Ajax Bay

East Devon
On the front I have a Marathon Plus. This is pumped to around 80 pounds.
Why do you have it at such high pressure? What width and what is the total load on the wheel?
I just sit on my two bikes and ride...slowly along and not analyse every part of the ride.
Well you produced the OP so presumably there's some 'analysing' going on on some "part of the ride".
tyre drag, in my opinion, is a fairly basic concept
I haven't heard of tyre drag. As it's such a basic concept, why don't you share your understanding of it. Or is this your name for rolling resistance (of tyres)? :welcome: to Cycle Chat btw.
Has @Racing roadkill left these shores? He was a wealth of experience and opinion on Tannus tyres.
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Lol. Schwalbe Shill!?

I totally appreciate why Tannus is a compromise - you are cycling on a pair of trainers. Then there is fitting, removing, melting under breaking and so on.

But they don't puncture. That's all they have for them. That's compelling.

I want them for my fixie, which was intended to be an always ready backup bike.


Why do you have it at such high pressure? What width and what is the total load on the wheel?

Well you produced the OP so presumably there's some 'analysing' going on on some "part of the ride".

I haven't heard of tyre drag. As it's such a basic concept, why don't you share your understanding of it. Or is this your name for rolling resistance (of tyres)? :welcome: to Cycle Chat btw.
Has @Racing roadkill left these shores? He was a wealth of experience and opinion on Tannus tyres.

Drag is the same as resistance - maybe the wrong words were used to peoples common knowledge!

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
The OP's bike has a Tannus on the rear only, which makes some sense.

If there are handling penalties with Tannus tyres, it will be least noticeable on the back, which is also the tyre on which it's harder to fix a puncture.

Historically, all solid tyres have been hard on wheels and spokes.

Tannus appears to be the best attempt at making a usable solid tyre so far, but spoke breakages in the longer term must be a concern.

Having to remove the tyre makes fixing a spoke a big job.

Unless it's on one of the few wheels where the spoke is hooked onto the rim externally.
After one ride and a disproportionate fear of punctures. :wacko:
It isn't as if that was the first time he had rode a bike though.

Got my hands on a used Tannus 23?mm. A couple of observations. It is harsh (my bell works by pinging a spring, and was seeing itself off constantly, never did before!). It also seems to spray a lot of water ahead, compared to the Kenda it is filling in for.

You won't get these of without some kind of damage to them. I was trepidatious with this ride, but it seemed ok. It fitted on very similar rims too easily relative to their reputation. I was riding expecting issues, but they seem fine.

If anyone else can get theirs off, and wants to pass it on, I'd still use them. It's my backup bike, and it does the job. It's not especially fun, but neither is the M+ on my hybrid, but those are comfy, comparatively.

A wee update: they are quite worn, and were probably 23s to start with, and I've never ridden lower than a 25, probably 28s and above for most of my cycling, so I suspect that adds to why I find it harsh.
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I’m still running my Triban 520 on Tannus tyres. I’ve done about 5000 miles on them. They are worthwhile, when you’re used to them. They do have some ‘quirks’ which require getting used to. If you really can’t afford to get punctures, or you have difficulty with sorting punctures out, they are the best solution. You’ll often read reports / horror stories about them, but it’s usually regurgitatated clap trap, from people with little or no experience of actually riding a lot, with them. Once you’re used to the ( slightly odd at first ) feel of them, especially in corners, or particularly on the ‘tactile mats’ used on pedestrian crossings / entry to cycle lanes etc. They are well worth a go. Tannus have recently updated the road tyre version of them, they now include a 25mm tyre, with a lower ‘virtual Pressure’. Previously you could only get a 23mm or 28mm version, with 110 or 100 psi virtual pressure ( which is a lot for a 28mm tyre). I’ve found them invaluable for riding in dark, cold, wet conditions. Also, they have been tested by the T.U.V.

So they have got some credentials from the aspects of safety and performance.
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Last year I did this


Then this


The following day.

On this


That’s 200 miles over two days, on Tannus tyres (so they’re okay for distance riding as well).
Tannus tyres are generally found to be horrendous by anyone who has experience, "people on here talk about tyre drag....whatever that is? " without offence, sounds like maybe you do not have all that much experience?

Tannus tyres offer very little grip, they have a fair amount of drag - feels like riding through gravy, are an absolute pain for fitting / removal, do not offer any benefit over pneumatic tyre set up - tubeless sealant in the tubes and punctures are banished! Go round a corner fast, if you make it round id be surprised, the ride feel is terrible compared to a Kojak!
I probably have more experience of Tannus tyres on a road bike, than anyone else I know. I disagree with everything you’ve said.
I just find it interesting that these particular tyres raise such emotions. You don't really get this on other tyre discussions. OK some people think that M+ are too heavy and lumpy, while others consider them sturdy workhorses; some people think tubeless are a messy load of fuss while others think they are the future. But this is not generally expressed to the point of denigrating others who happen to hold different opinions.

I don't really care. I'm not planning on trying Tannus at all. It's just an observation.
True. They are like no other components I can think of, from that point of view. It also amazes me that the most vociferous objections to them, seem to come from those with demonstrably the least experience of them, actually riding with them. It’s very odd, but I attribute it to the fact that the more shouty people are, on the internet at least, about a subject / item, the less likely they are to be able to demonstrate how it is they form that opinion, and shouty internet people tend to be the type that don’t take being made to look daft, by opposite opinions, given by people with indisputable evidence / experience of the subject / item, well at all. That’s the internet in general to a large degree, but cycling type forums seem to attract more of them, from my point of view.
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