Commutes have been a bit bland lately, this evenings turned out to be a bit of fun. It was raining and had my waterproof on. I realised I was catching up a guy I call Mr Miserable, he is faster than me but I always catch him then he always, always gets past me at all costs. He never talks, never smiles.The rain stopped and I decided a good excuse for not catching him and starting this arsing about was to stop and take my coat off.
Coat off I wombled on, to my suprise I caught him 3 miles on. He was pootling and I was not going to slow down, so I went past.
Suprise suprise he was on my tail then went past. We then went on to shared use and some peds slowed his headlong flight, he decided to jump off onto the A13, I just slowed asked the peds to move and went on. Mr M strangely decided he did not like the A13 and stopped to get back on the Cycleway. So I was in front again. Wierdly he did not come back for 3/4 of a mile till I was sat at some lights. Amazingly he talked to me, first time in 2 years!. He had see some of my club mates at the Picardie sportive last weekend.
After the lights he went off at a pace and we were coming to the next set of lights, we both realised if we got a push on we would make them on green. We both ended up at a nigh on flat out sprint and I got ahead, then disaster, a arse of a moped pulled out in front of us, I overtook, he got baulked. I also saw a bus ahead I could catch. I managed to get a near 30mph draft off it for 1/4 of a mile.
Mr M was nowhere to be seen. I thought I could relax and dropped it to around 21-22 mph But no 5 minutes later he was past. The guy must have been knocking out nearly 27mph for half a mile to catch me.
I shadowed him for a further half mile and thought I could detect weakness setting in and I thought I could cheekily overtake just before I turned off. I decided he had been dragging me for half a mile so bad kharma to do so.
I bade him farewell as I turned off, going to have to change his name from Mr Miserable now.