Taking up cyling again

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Had a chat with physio and her attitude was "whenever you feel ready" I think if I suggested I climb up Mount Everest her response would be the same. I shouldn't complain she's been great!

I have decided to get a Giant hybrid bike, haven't decided which one though.


Juust had a look in my LBS and they do second hand, they have a saracen second hand for £80.00, what are they like as a brand?


Thanks will do

My plan is to drag my coventry eagle MTB out the shed give it a good clean up get my local bike shop to check it over and use it while I save up for a Giant hybrid.


I have decided on a Giant Expression DX W have looked at two on line bike shops and found there is £50 difference in price.

Went into work last night and immediately looked at the rota to see if I can bag any overtime and found there was 15 hours going begging at the end of October :biggrin: so that will take me to arouund half the cost covered. Even if I have to wait till Christmas I am not bothered as I plan to ask for bike accessories for Christmas presents and even though my physio said that its ok to cycle I am don't feel ready yet anyway.


A Velocipedian
louise said:
Thanks will do

My plan is to drag my coventry eagle MTB out the shed give it a good clean up get my local bike shop to check it over and use it while I save up for a Giant hybrid.

OMG. Coventry Eagle. There is a name I have not seen in many years. In my pre teens I had a 10 speed Coventry Eagle Red Dragon Drop Handle Bars (Completely off topic but brought back memories :biggrin: )


I have had mine about 7 years and its hideous, I did find out something though when I researched the bike I have the company was bought by the same company that bought the cycle factory that my gran worked as a tea lady at and whose factory over looked my school, there was always a very wierd smell in the air


louise said:
I used to cycle a lot when I lived in Lincolnshire I moved North and left my beloved bike at home, never to be seen again.

I bought a new one from a catolgue, big mistake its heavy and slow and is rarely used but I would love to take it up again. Cash is a bit short at the mo and I am just recovering from pretty major surgery on my shoulder so won't be for a few months.

I have looked at the options available and I think a hybrid would be my best choice, I intend to cycle around on the local roads out in the countyside.

I have looked at three main makes, CBR, Townsend and Raleigh, I fancy a pioneer urban as they do a 14 inch (I am 4 foot 11) either 2 or 3 but I more than open to suggestions and any advice would be welcome.


You go girl ;)


Seen boss today and as I have been on long term sick I need to attend several course to get me up to speed so more money in the bike kitty as I will be coming in on over time! I worked it out that I am looking at another 2 days overtime:smile: meaning that I will have enough money to buy a new bike and bits and pieces I am going for a relevently cheap one to start with but decent and then save up for a really good one if I take to it.

I thought I had decided on which bike to get now I am undecided

Its either this one


I chose because of the pannier racks and stuff so its easy to bung my shopping in if I am going to Sainburies and carry bits and pieces in if I go for a long bike ride and to protect my clothes when I cycle to work. Plus I can buy it local as well.

But then I saw this one


And now I undeciced the specs seem similar but I would have to buy it off the net, and ideally I would like it set up for me for my size before I leave the shop.
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