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I find that backing off at bit for the last few minutes helps loads. Start going slower and allow myself to cool down as I approach work.

Alternatively, I go hammer and tongs all the way in and then I'll fire up the PC, check my email and drink my first cup of tea whilst cooling down - then go for a shower.

Today, however, just to be different I cycled in in suit trousers and shirt. Just took it at a nice steady pace, pootling along. Didn't break a sweat at all on the way in. Took my time locking the bike up and hence arrived at my desk non-sweaty, not out of breath and fully presentable.

There are a number of options - but until you try it for yourself, you don't know which will be more effective for you. Go on give it a go.


techgirl said:
I spend 10mins cooling down by getting my desk ready and making tea. Then I go have a shower.

That works for me too. Cool down, then shower.

And finish the shower with a burst of cold water. This stops me feeling cold when I get out and am still wet, meaning that my body doesn't try to heat itself up (by shivering). So when I'm dry I've not overheated to the point where I start sweating again.


Another one here for the wrists in cold running water. It's because your blood runs in large volume close to your skin. You're basically cooling your blood and having your body pump it around like a car radiator.

It does mean that you need to keep your wrists under the stream for a good while - for as long as it takes to recover. If that's a bit awkward (10 mins in the toilets washing your hands!) then find somewhere nearby that sells cans of fizz in a REALLY cold fridge (some petrol stations seem to be able to get it down to inhumanly drinkable temperatures). When you're at your desk, put your wrists against it.

Also, a desk fan REALLY helps too.

But my real fav - as I worked in IT - was to sit in the server room for 10 mins checking stuff - all that lovely cold air con..!


New Member
I find that going into a toilet cubicle, stripping off completely, sitting on a cold lavatory seat and emptying my bladder and bowel stops me sweating.


Über Member
I have that "work at the top of a MEAN hill" problem, too. I just try to arrive at work early enough to give myself time to cool down, and keep wiping with paper towels. I think a few leisurely laps around the car park helps, a little.


New Member
not telling you
jimboalee said:
Carbo loading TOO much.

Also drinking alcohol the night before means the liver has to work a lot harder getting rid of toxins, usually by sweating. It is a poison after all. Any excuse for the body to secrete it, ie faster heart rate, and it will do it in large volumes.
Also, worrying about sweating in an office will make you sweat more! Hard to stop being anxious about it i know, (been there before)but sometimes just concentrating on the ride itself as opposed to the possible after effects can help.
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