There must be a happy medium somewhere! Says me, looking out on a wet, grey evening. At least it's warm rain for a change .I'd prefer @Brandane 's weather rather than this horrid horrid heat.
Yep - the difference between summer and winter is that the rain is warm in summerThere must be a happy medium somewhere! Says me, looking out on a wet, grey evening. At least it's warm rain for a change .
Londoncentric metropolitan elite
Oh thats bloody cheered me up no end
Oh thats bloody cheered me up no end
Oh c'mon how likely is that ?Well, it could be worse. Imagine if you were unlucky enough to have a pandemic going on at the same time.
Us lot will all be "brown bread" then it'll be some other suckers problem !Well, look on the bright side. Which is...well...erm...
We were sleeping downstairs, bedrooms were unbearable, even with air con.
Well that's them damned with the p******e fairy then...I have just heard of a cyclist and his non-cyclist girlfriend setting off a few days ago to cycle from the north of France to the south coast to board a ferry to Corsica and eventually onwards to Greece. Covid-19, long distances, cycling inexperience, blistering temperatures... what could possibly go wrong!
I'm interested in finding out how they are doing now, but there is a chain of people involved so it might be a while. (They are friends of the brother of a friend of mine!) I only found out about the trip when I got a call asking for advice - the night before they went!Well that's them damned with the p******e fairy then...