I am reminded of an organised cycle ride I was on which included bits of NCNs around King's Lynn and out towards Lincolnshire. The people on the ride were thoroughly good company. The ride was this: completely ruined by NCN routes. Too much on footpaths (a white painted bike on a standard width footpath does NOT make an acceptable shared use farcility, really, it doesn't) too many barriers that were difficult/impossible to negotiate with out dismounting and man-handling the bikes & trikes around & over the stupid, stupid barriers. The ones that were supposed to keep out motorbikes but failed miserably as could be seen from the number of kids on trail bikes zooming about having got on to the NCN from side streets... We were literally lifting bikes over gates as they were not possible to negotiate any other way.
Don't get me started on the three punctures in under half-an-hour on the NCN that runs by King's Lynn Leisure Centre and out towards Castle Rising. More bits of pavement with white outline bikes painted on them... glass strewn everywhere...
Sustrans? Supposed to be from SUStainable TRANSport. They're having a laugh. They're taking the p*$$.