Suspended Sentence For Taxi Driver "Blinded By The Sun".

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Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Doesn't mention if he had his licence revoked or even if he was banned, 'suspended sentence' is no punishment IMHO. :cursing:

1 year driving ban only.

Life is cheap on the road.


Legendary Member
Noticed the direction Barkerend Road runs. As you say roughly east/west. However the first reports, including the BBC's say Byron Street, which runs roughly north/south, with buildings on the righthand side as you go up. How would the early morning sun be a factor.

The cyclist was from Leeds. He taught near Thornton (West Bradford). His morning commute was East-West.

He’s unlikely to have cycled down Byron Street as it’s a street used by residents to get to their closed residential streets.

He was likely crossing Byron Street as he traveled down Barkerend Road.

That junction is indeed an accident risk. I’ve always been extra vigilant when I cross it.


Leg End Member
The cyclist was from Leeds. He taught near Thornton (West Bradford). His morning commute was East-West.

He’s unlikely to have cycled down Byron Street as it’s a street used by residents to get to their closed residential streets.

He was likely crossing Byron Street as he traveled down Barkerend Road.

That junction is indeed an accident risk. I’ve always been extra vigilant when I cross it.
Initial reports put him on Byron Street. Maybe it was corrected later.

You'd expect higher standards of a "professional driver" though. Even if that's only the council imposing them.
I am not commenting on this particular case as I obviouly did not hear what was said to have happened. I would say that on some roads, if you stopped totally due to being blinded at times, you and everyone else would be motionless until dusk. I think it is much less the case in built up areas where buildings block out light, or in hillier areas where the terrain helps.

Over the last few years I have driven across aspects of the Cotswolds, the bits with long views and fairly flat terrain and at this time of year and in the spring the sun when not covered by clouds it is awful to drive head on into, or up to 90 degrees to the sun. Totally blinding at some moments on open roads, unpredictable and often no alternative sun-free route. Not just pure sun but also intense rapid strobing to the point of real discomfort with spring and autumn hedges as the leaves are gone, but the branches etc are not. I have wondered if it ever triggers epilepsy in drivers/passengers.

This clearly does not make it ok to hit people or animals or run off at a bend, but sometimes the most careful person can still get caught out.
And no, so far I have never hit anything living, but I have struggled to progress up a road even at slow speeds, so I can see in some circumstances a person (not necessaary this case, I have no idea) can on occasion be caught out unexpectedly by strong sun. Its not automatically just an 'excuse'.


Legendary Member
I would say that on some roads, if you stopped totally due to being blinded at times, you and everyone else would be motionless until dusk.


Being grossly inconvenienced is far better than killing an innocent person,


South Wales
Thanks. Makes sense!

What about the automatic DSQ? Any idea why that didn't happen in this case?

It did - 1 year driving ban.

"A taxi driver has avoided jail and was instead given a six-month sentence suspended for 12 months and a one-year driving ban for hitting and killing a cyclist in Bradford,"


Legendary Member
Meanwhile just this minute read a news article about 3 youngsters getting done for stealing phones and driving offences. One of them got three and a half years. Why is property valued more than life?


South Wales
Meanwhile just this minute read a news article about 3 youngsters getting done for stealing phones and driving offences. One of them got three and a half years. Why is property valued more than life?

They are completely different offences, with completely different sentencing guidelines.

And one is a deliberate action, while the other is carelessness.
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