Suspected Tear in Shoulder

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Rural Quebec
I had a couple of cortisone injections that lasted about five minutes and then someone who knew what they were doing actually stuck the needle in the right place and that lasted six months. The next time I went to the doctor (different) he prescribed Viox ('member that?) and exercise and that sorted it out, I mean I have never had the problem since. If you could get Viox without the side effects (death) I would recommend that.
Jeez I remember that putting the coat on pain.


Legendary Member
Celebrex is a similar drug to vioxx and available in the UK. However, it is usually reserved for chronic arthritic pain that doesn't respond to other NSAID such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen etc
The Jogger

The Jogger

Legendary Member
It now seems to have gone around to the top of my spine as well, I have just had to take a couple of co codamol which I have left over from my kidney stone days. I will try and stay off the tramadol and book in with the doctor again on Monday. Friday and today ended up not bringing bike to work, I think that was a good move.


Here for rides.
Good luck. I was not offered any NHS physio, other than post surgery, and that was just checking my shoulder movement and me asking to get back on the bike. Was back on within 2 weeks. Private physio was the best as it is tailored to you. Ie sports folk are expecting more from their bodies. You will get a work over. I was quite ill twice at physio and acupuncture sessions, as they got into my trigger points.
I fainted at one private physio session. Most embarrassing.
The Jogger

The Jogger

Legendary Member
[quoteCollins, post: 2592075, member: 5193"]I fainted at one private physio session. Most embarrassing.[/quote]

Hmmm something to look forward too. Co codamol wore off already.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
In one of my sessions I suddenly developed a cold sweat, poured in sweat, then promptly threw up. Similar happened with acupuncture, one of the needles went in my trapezius, then the sweats, felt really ill, needles out, then left to recover. Very weird, but they certainly picked up my trapezius causing issues. That took two steroid injections to settle it down.


Legendary Member
Yeah, steroid injections can hurt in my experience...not at the time as they mix with an anaesthetic but for 48 hours after - sorry!

But not as much as 2-3ml of PRP into a small tendon xx(


World class procrastinator
Have you seen a Chiropractor or just the doc.
I got fed up with the doc's advice to rest, rest and rest some more, the pysio wasn't helping so I went to the chiropractor instead. Sorted in a month. With my job, my shoulders take a bit of a battering. I have my Chiro lady on speed dial now.


Legendary Member
This is indeed true. Just orthopaedic issues take an age to heal...well mine do!

I need to have another minor procedure on my elbow - to remove a Kevlar knot encased in scar tissue. I'll no longer be bulletproof :laugh:
The Jogger

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Have you seen a Chiropractor or just the doc.
I got fed up with the doc's advice to rest, rest and rest some more, the pysio wasn't helping so I went to the chiropractor instead. Sorted in a month. With my job, my shoulders take a bit of a battering. I have my Chiro lady on speed dial now.

So far just seen the doc but will progress to the physio and ultra sound investigation he has booked me for. I will certainly try all options even the dreaded acupuncture.
The Jogger

The Jogger

Legendary Member
This is indeed true. Just orthopaedic issues take an age to heal...well mine do!

I need to have another minor procedure on my elbow - to remove a Kevlar knot encased in scar tissue. I'll no longer be bulletproof :laugh:

At least you shouldn't end up with a puncture wound........:rolleyes:


Legendary Member
No but the surgeon did say that I'll be scuppered if I come off as it's the only thing holding me together!
The Jogger

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Booked into the doc's tomorrow morning, I think it is now more in the arm atm had to take the tramadol last night but was awake again at 01:30 with the pain went to kip again at 04:00 will also mention the twinges I've got in my chest since the fall, probably a bit of stress or the impact with the door frame when falling.
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