Surly Cross Check?

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Legendary Member
Hi Andy - can't hide anywhere can I?!

PM sent.

Hi Al,

I see that you have got the Surly - I'm very much looking forward to seeing it. I've not seen a brand new steel bike in years - they all seem to be carbon fibre or aluminium.

Has R been inspired to take up cycling ?

I genuinely think that it is brilliant that you've caught the fitness bug, is this what you now talk about in the Cross Keys ?

I can't believe the mileage that you're doing; puts my 15 mile (once a fortnight) ride to shame. When I do manage to go out for a spin with you, I hope that you don't thoroughly thrash me into the ground. Well, if you do, save your smirking for when you get home :biggrin: . . . . . . . or when you meet up with Robin. Likewise, feel free to sneer at my own (t)rusty steeds; the youngest of which is 26 years old.


Growing older but not up...
I bought Rosemary a bike back in the 90s but she never took to it.

I used to cycle as a way to find places to photograph - it's much easier park a bike than a car and you can cover much more ground than you can by walking. Now I find I cycle for fun and exploration. Distance and average speed are just reference points so that I know my limitations. At the moment my limits are probably a slowish 50/60 miles and, if I'm in Wales, a reasonable amount of getting off and pushing is quite likely to be involved. There's no point in going so fast that you can't see the scenery!

I deny having any sort of fitness bug - years of drinking has made rendered me immune to any such thing.

I am, however, not immune to having fun.

(Conversation at the Cross Keys is as wide ranging as it once was in the Last. And no session is complete with out me saying "Jim Heaton used to say..." I find an appeal to your father's authority settles all arguments.)


Good choice on the Surly Crosscheck. I have had mine for about 2.5 years and done nearly 9,000 miles on it, mostly commuting 26 miles a day. I have had it in several guises:

1. "Roadie" GP 4 season 700x25 tyres, no mudguards or rack.
2. "Autumn commuter" Marathon Plus 700x28, mudguards, rack, lights
3. "Winter commuter" Marathon Winter studded 700x40 tyres with/without mudguards and rack, lights
4. "Event bike" Conti Gator skins 700x25 and bar bag.

I have used the bike off-road through the New Forest, in snow, ice and floods. Plodded slowly to work on a wet and windy morning and charged on the Oxford to Cambridge ride which took just under 5 hours.

I love the Surly Crosscheck.


Legendary Member
And no session is complete with out me saying "Jim Heaton used to say..." I find an appeal to your father's authority settles all arguments.)

Do you know that Jim was once a very good cyclist ?

Don't let him see your Surly; he'd examine every smallest detail - you'd never get away. :biggrin:

"Jim, can I have my bike back ?"
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