Supermarket Check Out

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Unlike you old bits, I love it. I can do a full shop using my phone to scan as I go, putting items straight into my bags and then simply check out at a machine. I am waiting for the next stage where I don’t need to go to the machine and it simply debits my account.

The best bit is that I can avoid the queues of slow old people :tongue:

I am waiting for the next stage when the companies predict my needs and send me the stuff, without having to think about anything. No need to deal with common people at all, young or old. Heaven. Progress is fantastic.


Leg End Member
I am waiting for the next stage when the companies predict my needs and send me the stuff, without having to think about anything. No need to deal with common people at all, young or old. Heaven. Progress is fantastic.
Get a smart fridge and it'll do some of the work for you.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
As pointed out, the OP is talking about a handheld scanner which you pick up as you enter the store.

Scanning and paying as you go round would mean you wouldn't have to lift the stuff out of the trolley, plonk it on the check-out belt, then put it back in the trolley.

Given there is usually a queue, if only a short one, at the checkout, the new system would save time.

I've not tried it in my local Sainsbury's for two reasons.

I'm inclined to support the jobs of till staff, but more selfishly I don't have faith the technology would operate seamlessly.

Being stuck half way down the bread aisle with some scanning glitch, and having to find a staff member to get going again would be annoying.


Leg End Member
As pointed out, the OP is talking about a handheld scanner which you pick up as you enter the store.

Scanning and paying as you go round would mean you wouldn't have to lift the stuff out of the trolley, plonk it on the check-out belt, then put it back in the trolley.

Given there is usually a queue, if only a short one, at the checkout, the new system would save time.

I've not tried it in my local Sainsbury's for two reasons.

I'm inclined to support the jobs of till staff, but more selfishly I don't have faith the technology would operate seamlessly.

Being stuck half way down the bread aisle with some scanning glitch, and having to find a staff member to get going again would be annoying
They, Sainsburys, have a smartshop app to help you with paying for your shopping as you go round. They'll be doing away with checkouts, or a number of the current ones.

Bag & Go is the name of the system.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
The one in my nearest Sainsbury's has a dedicated handheld scanner which also fits in a slot on the trolley's handle.

Which is another point - the system encourages you to take a trolley, which in turn will encourage you to buy more stuff.


Leg End Member
The one in my nearest Sainsbury's has a dedicated handheld scanner which also fits in a slot on the trolley's handle.

Which is another point - the system encourages you to take a trolley, which in turn will encourage you to buy more stuff.
The new trollies and bags to sit inside them?

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Use them all the time scan ,pay via apple watch and go. Some of shops it’s got an added bonus of not having to deal with the rude staff some insist on employing.
Not so much they 'insist on employing',more like they all have mostly good but some bad staff i'd say. I shop late in the day,between 9.30pm and 11pm. I've sussed out the check out staff who couldn't give a shoot about being polite and professional and the ones who do. If i see one of the former on the till i'll use the self service till, though when buying beer i need a person to allow my purchase with this 'are you old enough' law they have. My favourite bad mannered thing they tend to do/say is "Are you old enough? I think we can safely say you are",or words to the affect of. To me they're patronisingly saying that they think i'm an old git. I cringe when they say it! I find it offensive.:thumbsdown:


When our local Tesco first introduced the system I would use the scanners. I don't often visit Tesco as I really don't like the company but sometimes needs must.

Originally the store carried out spot checks whereby shoppers were selected at random and five items would be scanned by a staff member. I found the number of times I was checked quite offensive.

Today the policy is to check one in three self-scanners. After having an entire week's shopping unpacked, scanned and repacked on two separate occasions I gave up using the scanners.

The number of times I was stopped made me feel selection was less than random and gave me yet another reason to avoid Tesco whenever possible. I definitely felt I was being targeted, probably untrue and irrational but that's how I felt - bad news for Tesco.

The shame is it's a good system. For me the benefits are I can easily see the individual cost of the items I've chosen, the running total of my shop and can pack my bags in the way I like as I go round. I found being able to check prices this way reduced our shopping bill.
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Bill Gates

Bill Gates

West Sussex
I had a real F my boots moment in a check out queue. Very early one morning, there were 3 elderly guys in front of me getting their shopping scanned and as I watched the last guy whose stuff was still on the belt started to load his shopping bag before it was scanned, right in front of the cashier who evidently knew all them (first name terms and all that). She saw the look on my face and said its OK they've been scanned already. Yeah right.

So I don't say anything and she starts to scan my stuff while the three guys are finalising their gear. Then the same guy who hadn't paid for his stuff starts loading my stuff into his bags. WTF. I yelled out OI what the hell are you doing quite loud but then the look of bewilderment on his face showed he hadn't a clue what was going on. I reckon they were all from a local hostel let out for a spot of shopping. Anyway I never saw that cashier again. Must have got sacked I reckon.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Self-scan costs you time but saves the store staff time, therefore lowering their costs.

Personally I avoid self-scan checkouts like the plague. Too many "unexpected item in the bagging area" issues :cursing:
And you have to prove your age even if you buy some ruddy calpol let alone a packet of paracetemol.
Anyway i avoid them for your reasons plus as mrs ck works for a supermarket we get 10 % staff discount but to get it you need a member of staff to ok your card so its quicker to go to a proper till .


Legendary Member
I use them in my local co op because they hardly have anyone on the tills and it's faster to use them than wait for dam staff.

Its quite telling though that they have to have a member of staff standing by them for when they go wrong. Still faster than only having 1 normal till in use.
Done that several times but the staff do it so fast that I am non the wiser next time. I tried saying "no, please, I dont want you to do it, I want YOU to show ME how to do it". By then they had done it:wacko:


Legendary Member
As pointed out, the OP is talking about a handheld scanner which you pick up as you enter the store.

Scanning and paying as you go round would mean you wouldn't have to lift the stuff out of the trolley, plonk it on the check-out belt, then put it back in the trolley.

Given there is usually a queue, if only a short one, at the checkout, the new system would save time.

I've not tried it in my local Sainsbury's for two reasons.

I'm inclined to support the jobs of till staff, but more selfishly I don't have faith the technology would operate seamlessly.

Being stuck half way down the bread aisle with some scanning glitch, and having to find a staff member to get going again would be annoying.
Is this just relying on peoples honesty to scan EVERY item as, two, miss a few??
If so I can imagine some serious thieving going on:sad:


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Is this just relying on peoples honesty to scan EVERY item as, two, miss a few??
If so I can imagine some serious thieving going on:sad:
As long as profit lost to theft < Profit gained from staff efficiency savings, then it's all good.


Unlike you old bits, I love it. I can do a full shop using my phone to scan as I go, putting items straight into my bags and then simply check out at a machine. I am waiting for the next stage where I don’t need to go to the machine and it simply debits my account.

The best bit is that I can avoid the queues of slow old people :tongue:
Agree totally, it's saved us so much time shopping. One of us scans and packs whilst other gets whats needed. Everything packed in the correct bag. No rushing at checkout trying to pack.
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