300km a week through London on a road bike.
Well, last night I did my second session on TR. It was a bit too easy but I'm pleased I've started at the bottom - much better than overdoing it. Really enjoying TR - it's just how I'd imagine having a real coach would be. Its always providing interesting tips and a bit of motivation.
Here's last night's effort. Power drops off a couple of times as a) I forgot to set the fan up (I know), and, b) the Ant+ dongle was a bit too far away so I moved it a bit closer. New HR monitor though so no erroneous data there this time
Here's last night's effort. Power drops off a couple of times as a) I forgot to set the fan up (I know), and, b) the Ant+ dongle was a bit too far away so I moved it a bit closer. New HR monitor though so no erroneous data there this time