fossyant said:
To get honest is really hard....too much upset for minor things really, but I suppose a little dig here and there doesn't do too much damage.....
To have a go at my mum about doing cleaning at my sisters house (no kids / both out - so how much mess ?) would cause issues - my other sister told me but said don't say anything..... FFS have you seen the state of my house sometimes...two young kids...bloody lego.....etc...... two adults out at work should be able to clean a house up....
We don't go round with the kids....... cloths follow them... just not worth the agro.....
Well I/(we) fell-out spectacularly with my mother and sister (younger) over New Year. They live close-by in Devon, we live now in Abingdon but have lived all-over since our Uni-days.
Bassically none of them can be arsed to come and see us, my sister has been to visit maybe 3 times in 12 years...she's only 2-3 hours away! My Parents travelled the length of the country to attend dog shows, but rarely ever thought to visit, never came to stay in Sweden, never visited when I was seriously ill.
For years I've not really given a damn, but now my kids are teenagers, I can no longer make excuses for to them for my mothers complete lack of interest in us and the kids and her complete insensitivity when she opens her mouth.
If we didn't make the effort to visit, they'd never see us.
Well a straw broke the Camels back at New-Year and I'm afraid I (and even the very quiet natured Mrs FF) let go with both barrels...
I'm not sure we'll meet again.
My mother has sent me an emailed letter for which a reply in which I should at least explain my anger should be sent, but frankly I'm finding it hard to sit down and write.
I have absolutely nothing in common with my sister and don't even like her as a person, her ex-husband is a diamond and so are their kids, it would be a shame to loose contact with them. My mother re-married an old family friend after my father died and she's so wrapped-up in that and my "poor" sister that I'm not sure I want to attempt to build any bridges.
I'm too old, have my own to take care of and really can't be bothered to waste my time, energy and frustration on my useless family any more.
Somebody here mentioned that they sacked their under performing relatives...It seems a good policy.