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Legendary Member
One of the reasons I don't use it.
I do enough cycling as it is without having to worry about segments and KOM's etc.

Looking at some of the times I don't think I will be threatening any positions. I will use it if the GPX file from my Satmap produces the correct data, if it doesn't I won't bother.

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
Be careful, there are now terms to describe specific types of Strava users, this is my favorite :laugh:

Stravasshole : an individual Strava-ing at the expense of common courtesy.

Ways you are a Stravasshole
  • Choosing a Strava Segment due to favorable winds
  • Stravaing while in a pack, no, this is a solo thing
  • Riding in a bubble and yelling "Strava" or similar as you pass people
  • Draft friends in vehicles positioned to assist you
  • Posting your Strava account link on your resume
One of the reasons I don't use it.
I do enough cycling as it is without having to worry about segments and KOM's etc.
I mainly use it to log/ map rides and share routes as it has better security settings than other sites (GC/RWGPS), after an initial KOM rush :blush: I don't bother any more and just use it for my original reasons, not worrying about KOM's or segments. I'm quite glad CC rules meant I couldn't add a strava ticker to my signature though ;)


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
You know someone actually took a real dislike to someone in our club for taking some of his KOM's, coincidently some happened to fall when a club chaingang passed through some segments, thus he went bonkers and claimed the club were picking on him, prick!

I can't possibly think who that might have been. :laugh:


Über Member
Be careful, there are now terms to describe specific types of Strava users, this is my favorite :laugh:
Stravasshole : an individual Strava-ing at the expense of common courtesy.

I would like to add my own new word to this one, STRAVAMORON

In my book the following would definitely be classified as STRAVAMORONS

People with segments so fast that they were obviously in a car

People that have managed to alter the elevatiion to give a category 3 hill on a flat bit of road (16.8mph up a category 3 hill, god i'm good!!)

and lastly people that create segments that even Harry Potter on his broom would be unable to ride.

I am sure there are others but these should be the first to be taken outside and shot, or am I overeacting?


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
Choosing a Strava Segment due to favorable winds

Hmm ... I may have been guilty of doing this once or twice.

I was upgraded at Strava for a bit because I'm a bit of a stat addict, but I kept having problems with my credit card being stopped because of unrelated "suspicious" activity, and when my upgrade didn't get paid I never got round to renewing it.

At the time I was upgraded, you got a lot less for your money than you do now. I'd probably upgrade again if they accepted PayPal, but I can't be bothered with putting my credit card back on there, only to find my upgrade gets cancelled again next time my credit card's stopped.

tug benson

Survived the Tour O the borders 2013
I love strava more than my girlfriend:blink:

Really it`s a good app, just destroys your soul when you`ve panned your arse in, get home, check the ride out and you haven`t even got in the top 10


Well-Known Member
Strava is awesome !!!

I have premium as I got it half price, free version is fine but some of the premium features are interesting if not totally necessary
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