Strava Purge

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Probably be my last year as a paid subscriber. Probably the only advantage of paying was to see the segments and judge yourself against your previous best and your cycling mates.

They are to purge loads of segments and reading between the lines of what they are saying leave only "worthwhile" segments.

So for those of us not in the first flush of youth shorter segments where we still may be able to compete look set to go and it looks like we will be left with "proper segments" e.g. long climbs etc.

I know that a lot of people on here have a healthy dislike of Strava and their views have been expressed numerous times so for those people there is no need to reply to this post.

More interested in what other people who use the segments think or how they have interpreted the Strava Segment Message.
For anyone who's not seen it, the change notification in question is here:
They are to purge loads of segments and reading between the lines of what they are saying leave only "worthwhile" segments.
I'm not sure how you're reading that into it. It appears to be all about removing the vast number of duplicates and the many segments which have bad gps data, both of which are pretty irritating as they clutter things up.

The 'worthwhile' aspect would seem to be the 'Verified segments' concept, which seems a reasonable thing to do. Is that what you're talking about? As they've written it, that's an addition, not the only segment type that will be left !

... shorter segments where we still may be able to compete look set to go ...
I can't see that anywhere. Happy to be shown otherwise though (really happy since, depending on what 'short' means, I tend to see those as clutter).


Kilometre nibbler
It appears to be all about removing the vast number of duplicates and the many segments which have bad gps data,
Oh no. The means I'm likely to lose my KoM

(For info the daily telegraph ran an article complaining of cyclists going at 70kmh through London by looking at segments. I demonstrated how that came about and got a high speed KoM)
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