So, what gives with this?
I rode a 62.9km route today, recording it on my phone using RWGPS. The elevation gain according to the RWGPS app was 757m. I uploaded it to Strava later and according to them the elevation gain was 564m, a difference of 193m (or 25% less).
What the what??
You really need a unit with a barometric unit on it, notable garmin 500 up, or the 705, 605 I think, though these are older units and can only be got second hand (usually), though my 705 has a habit of c****** up especially if the Bryton R20 f's up to, like today, bryton units, I know if Iload the same ride as tcx from the bryton unit as
@Supersuperleeds says its loses loads, not sure on the higher models, I know the site has an upload to strava option but it doesn't always work not Brytons fault, but more to do with changes at strava, I can't remember my R35 to well.
This was my planned route
this is the revised route with 46.7 miles and 1818, the file I corrected has 1981ft elev and corrected 2101ft
the same file on strava has 2212ft (and we all know not to correct it on strava) my avg sp. cad hr ect are about right the only thing that might be a bit iffy are the p.b.'s between 24 and 34 miles into the ride, though they might not be to far out as I was pushing a bit, still haven't figured out how the V.P. kept on track, who I did catch prior to Knottingley, where I stopped at my mates, which isn't recorded.
Damned if I was losing all that elevation and distance, because a machine packed up recording the gps plots.