Strange Road Signs

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Constant, just depends on the time scale being used.

In terms of geology time it is a veritable hub of activity.
At the atomic level there is not too much happening.
Sign does look to be post greenery.

Might be the secret entrance to a government bunker. The ones they haven't told us the lizards have got!

Food for thought, that is! :okay:


Slippery scientist
Given it's a shared path, they shouldn't be up there anyway!

Although the sign is specifically against Goods Vehicles

Good point. I once spoke to someone who was driving a large truck along a <7.5T road. They explained that the truck was not classed as a goods vehicle (it was a concrete pump) which surprised me, but I looked into it and it was indeed the case. Of course, a heavy vehicle will cause damage and/or congestion regardless of its purpose, but nonetheless the distinction is made.


Rubbish, the restriction is on the vehicle weight not its purpose.

Once a Wheeler

…always a wheeler
This combination of signs caught my eye. Apologies for the fuzziness but I had to do my best from a moving bus:

That derestriction sign in the distance is an end-of-60kph speed limit; and that 50 sign in the foreground is a minimum-speed-50kph sign. So between those two signs you must go above 50kph and below 60kph. There do not seem to be any speed cameras around, but if there were I suspect the spot would be a gold mine for the local authority.
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