[Not so much a strange sign, as an unusual one]
I rode the excellent (Morecambe) Bay Cycleway last year. When I went for a pub meal in Grange-Over-Sands the tide was out so there were vast stretches of sand with a few shallow water channels criss-crossing them. I emerged from the pub only just over an hour later but by then the sea had swamped the Bay. It made me shudder to think of the
23 poor Chinese cockle pickers who drowned there in 2004. I found the signs in Arnside very poignant, knowing that the Chinese workers could not understand them ...
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When I first mooted the idea, to my wife about entering the event to run over the Bay (organised event!!), the quicksands are the first thing that she mentioned
Second is the speed of the tide, & it's nature; encirlcling due to channels, it's ability to outpace a galloping horse!
Conversely, it's not that dangerous with a guide who
knows the sands
In the 1970s, Prince Philip drove a 'Carriage & 4' over, & I know someone who's driven a Land Rover over!!!
We had a (
carefully) waymarked course, by the local Fishermen, &
Bay Search & Rescue escorting us, in their HaggLunds
Another aspect that people forget is that the rivers enter the Bay, whether the tide's in or out!!
We were in water (anything from 1/2 inch, to crotch-deep, for well over 2 miles - from memory)