Belated reply, and I may previously have recounted the tale, but we were based in Ballyvaughan on a caving holiday in the '80s and one of the group had cycled there across Ireland on somethig like a ahopping bike. To to set the scene, she was a formidable German lass, blond, pigtails, and a horned helmet and spear wouldn't have seemed out of place. She arrived a few days after the rest of us after this long cycle ride on a crap bike and walked into the bar and her sheer presence caused all heads to turn whereopon she announced ti the whole bar "christ my fanny is f@£&@n sore!"
My first ever cycling tour was a caving trip to Doolin, back around 1980, from Sheffield via the Liverpool - Dublin ferry.
The others took my caving gear, and most of my other stuff, so I only had to carry day ride stuff and my sleeping gear (hollowfill bag, CCF mat, and an orange plastic survival bag). 5-speed 46 x 14-28, 5mm steel rod rack. The trip out was OK, apart from Winnats being a bit of a struggle, but the return trip was a bit grim - grinding away in bottom gear going down off the Curragh, sliding about across the ferry deck in my survival bag (inside was intolerably full of vomit), and then finding that the normal transpennine rail route was closed due to the weather when I abandoned to Liverpool station (trains still running, but taking the long way round).
Memories are of a round of drinks being 17 pints of Guinness and a pint of Smithwicks, the barman buying us a free round at the end of the week (O'Connor's), and of a solo Fisherstreet to St Catherines through trip.
Happy days