Sounds like the problem is your own lack of enthusiasm, the line "eventually got up at 7am and did a flat 30." really comes across as though you had to "force" yourself to get up and get out on your bike, it is coming across (to me at any rate) as though you are not enjoying getting out on your bike almost as though it has become a chore rather than something you enjoy. Like you say, perhaps it is time for some changes.
My weekly input is usually 4 cans of beer a week, or a bottle of wine, usually on a Friday and/or a Saturday.
This completely ruins my Sunday bike riding plans.
If you are feeling good, keep going, but one thing that I only recently learnt is that Cider with preservatives don't agree with me. I have known for many years that some Real Ales don't agree with me, but don't know why. I gave up alcohol for January (still went to the pub), I have had very little caffeine for months and my BP didn't drop at all. After 40+ years of social drinking I didn't find giving up a problem, but didn't see any benefits (apart from no hangovers)Three weeks now, and feeling better than ever!
And undated, what you need is a high quantity of friends to help you through it, not a high quantity of alcohol to get you through your friends !!!Alcohol is over-rated.
I used to drink a huge amount in my late 20's & early 30's & I found the best way to stop was to buy a house and pass my test and get a car and ever since I dont have any money so I cant afford to drink, problem solved![]()
There isnt much worse that I can think of than paying good money to be stuck in a traffic jam, then when your finally not in a traffic jam, your penalized for not taking long enough to get somewhere. Its far more fun to spend my money becoming a zombie than it is to spend my money becoming irate and fined.