Fab Foodie said:
Hi yoyo, sorry you feel that way. I don't think there is a cliques, but a lot of us have been here (or on C+ before) a long-time, so we kind of know each other.... we can't do much about that, but fresh faces are always appreciated and I hoped made to feel welcome. I'm very sorry if that was not your experience.
Keep posting, there are a few nutters around but people are generally very amiable.
yoyo! Fab has got it right: many of us have 'known' each other for two, three or more years on this and other forums (mostly the old C+) and like to exchange (un)pleasantries on a daily/regular basis.

99% of forumers are good and decent people, who share a passion for cycling, laughing, bullshitting etc.
Don't be intimidated by the number of posts some of us/them have; once the 'Word Association' thread comes round again, you'll be able to log up hundreds of posts in just a few days (not that I did,
well, about 70 perhaps).
And there's no 'in-crowd'; if you want to get involved, then get involved.
And don't worry about not fitting in; you have a bike and you cycle - that's all there is to it! If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for others.
Safe riding and happy foruming!