Stop at lights?

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A child riding slowly on the pavement beside a busy dual carriageway would be perfectly eligible for a fine, criteria notwithstanding. That's still what the law says, the criteria merely form advice from the people who made it on when to pay attention to it

Not be eligible under the Boateng criteria.........a bit like moving over a stop line to allow an emergency vehicle to pass or crossing the double white line to maneouvre around an obstruction


Legendary Member
Just puts thing

Just puts things in perspective..... your answer suffices.

It appears that you both drive and cycle like a muppet!

Likewise and worse have been said before.


Legendary Member
I had a chat with a girl today who sailed past me at 2 red lights. Having caught her up, I did point out that red lights do actually apply to cyclists too. One was a set of pedestrian lights, the other a great big junction on the A24 between Tooting and Balham, not exactly a quiet road even at 1pm on a BH!

She said, 'well there was no one in front of me so I thought I'd carry on' - she looked utterly non plussed when I said red lights do mean stop even if you are on a bike and there are no cars coming. She was wearing a helment so obviously has some concern for her own well being, not that it'll help much if she gets hit by a vehicle doing 30+ :wacko: I scalped her well and truly all the way, so her not stopping was not of great benefit! She was probably about half my age, bah students!


Senior Member
Yes ok people... calm it down please.
Less petty name calling and more debate.

It`s not petty name calling , it`s about someone coming on here and giving a s**t look at me attitude. Don`t call me petty because that`s something i`m not, I don`t like bullies verbal or otherwise.

Dan B

Disengaged member
Likewise and worse have been said before.
You know what , you really are an arrogant ignorant knob. What do you do after your day of being a pillock , bully the nearest weakest person ? Idiot.

Maybe I'm having a Bank Holiday Day Of Denseness, but I really don't see how the above post from marz qualifies as bullying? Cunobelin called him a muppet, not the other way around


Senior Member
Maybe I'm having a Bank Holiday Day Of Denseness, but I really don't see how the above post from marz qualifies as bullying? Cunobelin called him a muppet, not the other way around

He is giving a deliberate confrontational and argumentative reply to the posts , it is designed to provoke a reaction , it is also designed to belittle people , it`s bullying and anti social , wake up .


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Five pages of debate, and so far only one or two contributors have been brave enough to put their head above the parapet and admitted to jumping red lights. So I will admit, I DO jump red lights, where I take the decision that it is perfectly safe to do so.

First off, there are red lights, and there are RED LIGHTS, whether all the holier than thou brigade like it or not. Yes I do know what the law says; I was a Police Officer for 20 years. That was when I learned that most Police Officers do have some common sense, which means that if you also use some common sense about traffic lights then you are most unlikely to incur the wrath of the law.
What I am getting at is this. If you go speeding through a red light in the centre of London during the rush hour, then you deserve all that is heading your way. If on the other hand, you are cycling past the entrance to my local Tesco at 3am and find the traffic lights at red, then what is the point in interrupting your rhythm? There is zero traffic around, and Tescos is closed at that time, so why are the stupid lights not switched off (they were only installed when the Tesco car park was built. Let's not forget the unnecessary CO2 being produced by having the lights on, and this for a company that claims to have an environmentally friendly policy).

Are you all seriously trying to tell me that if you come across a red light at a pedestrian crossing, on a quiet street with no traffic, where the pedestrians have quite clearly already made their way across, that you are going to stop and wait for the light to go to green? Funny how I see cyclists quite sensibly going through such red lights on a daily basis; yet the vast majority of contributors to this thread deny that they have ever done it, and consider it a hanging offence.

To summarise; use a slice of common sense when CAREFULLY negotiating through red lights and you will be safe. If there is ANY chance of coming into conflict with other road users then don't do it. Before anyone asks, yes I drive, and I wouldn't RLJ in a car. This is for 2 reasons: On a cycle you have a far better line of sight as to what is approaching from other directions; and you don't have an endorsable licence for riding a bike.

Dan B

Disengaged member
He is giving a deliberate confrontational and argumentative reply to the posts , it is designed to provoke a reaction , it is also designed to belittle people , it`s bullying and anti social , wake up .
It seems to me like he's only giving as good as he's getting. And maybe not even that, as he hasn't called anyone a "muppet", an "arrogant ignorant knob", a "pillock" or a "bully" despite having been called all of those things himself.

Still, opinions obviously differ on who it is OK to be rude to around here, so in accordance with the mods request I'm going to let the argument rest there. How do you feel about entering ASZs other than via the feeder lane?


Legendary Member
Are you all seriously trying to tell me that if you come across a red light at a pedestrian crossing, on a quiet street with no traffic, where the pedestrians have quite clearly already made their way across, that you are going to stop and wait for the light to go to green? Funny how I see cyclists quite sensibly going through red lights on a daily basis; yet the vast majority of contributors to this thread deny that they have ever done it, and consider it a hanging offence.

Yes, indeed I wait, as I would in a car. I do occasionally find myself going through a red light - as it is changing and it is not safe / possible for me to stop.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I do occasionally find myself going through a red light - as it is changing and it is not safe / possible for me to stop.
Ahhhhhh; so, by the letter of the law, you DO jump red lights. The phase of traffic lights is red - red and amber - green - amber - red. You should really have plenty of time to stop during the amber phase (which means stop unless it is not safe to do so), BEFORE the light turns to red. Just saying..... ;)


Senior Member
It seems to me like he's only giving as good as he's getting. And maybe not even that, as he hasn't called anyone a "muppet", an "arrogant ignorant knob", a "pillock" or a "bully" despite having been called all of those things himself.

Still, opinions obviously differ on who it is OK to be rude to around here, so in accordance with the mods request I'm going to let the argument rest there. How do you feel about entering ASZs other than via the feeder lane?

You know what , all bullies and idiots have a sidekick that defends them, tiresome people all . Enjoy your cycling and hopefully staying within the laws of the land because that is what stops the thoughtless and irresponsible doing as they please.


Legendary Member
Ahhhhhh; so, by the letter of the law, you DO jump red lights. The phase of traffic lights is red - red and amber - green - amber - red. You should really have plenty of time to stop during the amber phase (which means stop unless it is not safe to do so), BEFORE the light turns to red. Just saying..... ;)

That may be so, however if I am going 15-20mph in rush hour traffic and have a lorry behind me and the light turns amber as I get to the line, no way can I safely stop, especially if the roads are wet! Me being squashed by the following lorry would hardly be fair on either me or him ;)

From the highway code...
AMBER means ‘Stop’ at the stopline. You may go on only if the
AMBER appears after you have
crossed the stop
line or are so close to it that to pull up might cause an accident

I apply the same logic driving
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