Stone Chips and Frame Protection

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Some techy questions please: these queries have probably been covered a few times before so I'm likely being a little lazy on forum searching but they're niggling me, so I thought I'd ask the knowledgeable / experienced folks on here to put my mind to rest:

Stone Chips
What are people using for touching up stone chips, think I read about nail varnish somewhere but is there a better way (my bike is a Triban3 - guess what ... it's red)?

Frame Protectors (in this particular case re' chainstays)
My chain has jumped off the small ring once from a dodgy down change under too much strain and unfortunately there are some minor abrasions to the frame as a result (just near the front cogs); I will polish these out with Autoglym but after that I'd like to add some protection there - any suggestions of a suitable product / source or any examples of DIY solutions appreciated?

Thanks in advance.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Car touchup paint, or Humbrol enamel (get the chemical based ones in the tin pots, not the water based).

Plus side, is you'll probably be able to find a close match.

This is what I do.




Stone chip protection - I would suggest instead that you go to WH Smiths, and buy a roll of clear Fablon for a couple of quid, Cut it to shape and stick it on the frame where you expect to get wear marks from the cables, shoe scuffs and stone chipping. When it gets scruffy, peel it off and stick a bit more on there. Use a hair dryer to warm before you remove it though..


Thanks Linford, just the sort of answer I was after - might try Hobbycraft or similar also; funny how you can label a sheet of vinyl as 'bike protection' and treble the price ;) .


Thanks Linford, just the sort of answer I was after - might try Hobbycraft or similar also; funny how you can label a sheet of vinyl as 'bike protection' and treble the price ;) .

Absolutely true. The glue may get a real purchase on the frame though so the hair dryer first to soften it will reduce the risk of taking any paint with it.
Thanks Linford, just the sort of answer I was after - might try Hobbycraft or similar also; funny how you can label a sheet of vinyl as 'bike protection' and treble the price ;) .

There is a difference though. Fablon itself is not actually up to the job without being changed frequently and the adhesive is not really intended for what you might call 'outdoor' use. The thicker vinyls with stronger adhesives are worth paying extra for.
Stone Chips
What are people using for touching up stone chips, think I read about nail varnish somewhere but is there a better way (my bike is a Triban3 - guess what ... it's red)?.

I have seen somewhere someone name the red car paint I think it was that is an exact match to the colour the T3's are. I think it was a puegoet car touch up paint.. will have a hunt for you, might be in that really long T3 thread that is going....


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Helicopter Tape ..check around for cheaper prices


Yep, was looking at that when I came across the Tesa tape.

PS - thanks to all those who helped me get my head around the tape thing ... given I've now got practically a life time's supply, if anyone near me wants to add some to their bike to see how it pans out as a product, feel free to PM me and pop round :smile: !


There is a difference though. Fablon itself is not actually up to the job without being changed frequently and the adhesive is not really intended for what you might call 'outdoor' use. The thicker vinyls with stronger adhesives are worth paying extra for.

I would have suggested those, but it depends on whether he can get access to them. If the only real issue is stone chips, fablon is very soft so will absorb much of the impact.

I have used for many years and they carry all types including the very tough anti hijack films for cars but their carriage is a bit steep for such a small quantity and the film is shockingly expensive. Pay your money, and take your choice.
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