Mudsticks, from my limited get boxes are expensive compared with the likes of Lidl, could you not match those prices so that more people would use you.
My prices are on a level with most local supermarkets - plus the produce is much fresher and tastier.
I have many lower income households as customers - i can keep my prices relatively low because i don't sell through an extractive middle man such as a supermarket or wholesaler.
ATM only 8% of food pound usually gets back to the farmer - not a sustainable enterprise for many farmers.
The really cheap stuff in supermarkets has been grown using methods, and such poorly paid and treated labour, as would upset you - as a decent human being to see - High chemical usage, soil depletion, pollution of water courses - exploitation of migrant labour etc etc.
The fact is that food is generally underpriced in this country - we don't value or care about its quality - or worry about its externalised effects - either on our health or the consequences of its production , and distribution, on the environment or society.
We almost seem to have a pride in, or culture of eating cheap cr@p - as if its the right of 'the common people' or something - whereas cheap over processed food just depresses anyones health and vitality - its a massive profit making con played on a whole population by the industrialised food industry.
Stuff like housing, transport, and utility costs have rocketed - the actual spend on food has gone down massively as a proportion of most peoples income - Even though you could argue its the most important thing we buy ( after bikes - of course
The 'true cost' of food - if you take into account externalities of conventional production - is much higher - we just don't pay it in the supermarket - we pay elsewhere.